Tessa has always like to keep her nether garments to herself. Mind you this doesn't exclude the possibility of a Special Someone's hand reaching over, softly undoing the buttons of her blouse, and running gently across the sheer material of her bra until it disappears into her....
Oh dear!
My computer has crashed. Such a placid little machine normally and now here it is, heaving, sighing and emitting little puffs of steam from those odd holes at the side. Let me give it a moment to compose itself.
Right! Enough of this
Tess got so excited by some of the more recent offerings from Insolence that she decided to show all. This nether outfit is "Iris" by Insolence. Apart from that special someone's soft hands, nothing gets closer to Tessa's LAQs and sculpties than Insolence. It's simply the best and this new corset seems to be following a retro trend which appeals to us. Note to dirty old men. If we find this being linked from sites devoted to the girdle fetish we'll be.... a little excited.
Insolence http://slurl.com/secondlife/Venom/93/133/28
We should also mention the hair. Yes, speaking of fetishes, Tessa is a leading devotee of the hair fetish and owns whole salons full of them. This one is Ciara, Blackcherry from Exile. We found Exile by the simple expedient of using Emerald, clicking on some hair we liked and using the "inspect" function. And what a find! Tess got so worked up that she briefly had to be sedated. We'll show you some of the twenty or thirty styles she bought over the next few weeks. At L$200 it doesn't break the bank either. Or rather it shouldn't if you don't get carried away like we did.
Exile http://slurl.com/secondlife/Covet/175/40/28
You can't really see the shoes but they're from Mrs Wetherby at her usual ridiculously low price of L$20. Never stop, Mrs W!
Wetherby's slurl? Who knows. You can try the one we gave you yesterday but this blog takes no responsibility for loss, generalised anger or even simple confusion which might arise out of using any such slurl.
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