There are places in more conventional worlds where "naked fashion" is considered an oxymoron. You know. "Naked fashion". "British intelligence". "Marxist economics". "Hong Kong society". That sort of thing.
But hey! This is SL. Before you even get to the undies there's the skin to consider. Unless you're a hopeless noob. you bought that somewhere too. Then there's the eyes. You need to get a pair that really sparkles. And the lashes which absolutely must be long enough to have their own fauna load. (Don't ask, don't tell. We've been there in the louse season.)
Which is why Tessa decided to, at least on the surface of it, reveal all in her latest shot for her AFs.
You see Tessa was absolutely blown away by Linka Demina's (as always) beautiful pic of some hair. http://www.flickr.com/photos/31383018@N05/4058960693/ So being essentially derivative, she hied herself over to booN.
That's Noob to those sensible people who aren't in the habit of practising stset QI.
You've heard me many times before singing, albeit a little too loudly, the praises of Jap sims. Such a creative little people. And booN is no exception. Acres and acres of the most exquisite hair you could imagine. And being Japanese, it doesn't break the bank either. Tessa spent an unbelievable amount of her ever decreasing balance and walked out with no less than seven different hairs. At only L$200 a throw it's difficult to do otherwise. Would that one could do similarly in RL Japan from which Tessa always returns, happy but destitute.
To start at the top.
Hair is JPN670 from booN, color Sand
Glasses are *Curio from Nala, yet another quirky little Japanese curiosity which Tessa loves. Myopia has its moments.
Skin? We tried desperately to go with the flow and persevere with Belleza. "Jesse" is nice but in the end is there any place which even goes near LAQ for skins? So here we are, exposing to the world our LAQ old dependable Imani. So glowing. It makes poor Tess look good even on mornings like this when she's consumed many more than the prescribed half dozen over lunch.
Nipples..... yes we're getting down and dirty now. We're nipple people, so we were more than pleased to discover these terrific nips. Our old ones had a sort of a base which had a tendency to show if you were anything but extremely meticulous in adjusting them, And Tessa is anything but meticulous. These ones are sort of cigarette butt shaped and you can adjust them in and out for those..... more intimately exciting moments.
They're 3D nipples mk5 from Bojana Fashion. See? In SL nipples are fashion items. Who said I was naked?
Eyes are Shine Lustrous sepia
In deference to her carefully cultivated public image, Tess stopped at the navel so we can't go in detail into her pubic arrangements. Watch this space for an expose of Tess's intimate fashion. It may well be classified under "bushcraft". Or possibly "runway etiquette". This IS a fashion blog after all. Only time will tell.
Beautiful avatar and such a nicely written (and gleefully non-PC) blog. Now if only there was anything for males to buy in sl that would warrant a shopping/style blog for the rest of us. :))
ReplyDeleteleo zimring
Hey leo! Stop whinging and go out and make something. You can do it!
ReplyDeleteThe hell I can! :)
Oooh, Tessa! What a wonderful (and definitely non-PC) article on the sensual possibilities out there, even during the "louse season." (Eek!)
ReplyDeleteI quoted a few of your beautifully crafted sentences -- since I've been fiddling with artificial reality in my own way -- on a posting today. Full credit, of course!
Kudos! And a smooch ('scuse me, near-sighted, heh, that was one of those pricy nips, hmmm?)
Oh dear Justine! I fear that we have been sadly misinterpreted. PC? Tessa is BOTH caring AND sharing. She reads nothing but the liberal press and holds a subscription to the New Yorker. And she is firmly het. Ignore those posts about having sex with herself and any implications which that may raise. She rejects with scorn the very notion that your otherwise welcome suck of her nipple was in any way responsible for their erect state. SL nips are permanently erect. (Woohoo!!)