Wednesday, November 25, 2009


A dull, dull day. Grey skies. Bare trees. A chill wind blowing from the north. Yes, Tessa suffers from SAD, seasonal affective disorder, and felt that there was no option but to take refuge in SL to restore some color to her life.
That's what she needed to become.
(For those of our AFs who have temporarily misplaced their Webster's, it means multi-colored. The opposite of the dark days of December.)
Fortunately the task was made easy by the discovery that she had inadvertently bought a fat pack of hair entitled "wild card" colors during a recent rape and pillage visit to Exile hair. Tut tut Tessa. Detail. But we have to say that Exile is so good that any inadvertency can be excused, even in one as broad brush as Tess. And the colors are amazing. We don't normally get off on lair hair but this is just great.
By pure coincidence, while browsing round in FAB, she happened to chance upon these terrific outsize glasses in an exactly matching color. What with the big hair and the even bigger glasses she looked like an escapee from Charlie's Angels. Who said that 1984 was dead?
Hair Miss Southern Belle, color Astral, from Exile
Glasses Fab.Pony Nurave color grape
Jeans a comfort cut freebie. Being essentially a slut Tessa tightened them.
The T shirt is My Day Wet T shirt from Little Heaven. We were trawling round LH looking for some hair but evverything seems to have disappeared. Does anybody know what has happened? LH would be a great loss to hair devotees.

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